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2023-11-13 12:23:04 294







  问:西安需要带什么证件才能办理结婚证?答:在西安申请结婚证时,需要准备以下证件:1. 身份证双方必须携带身份证原件,并如实填写姓名、出生日期、身份证号码等信息。如果他们已经结婚或离婚,他们需要提供婚前证明。2. 户口簿双方都需要准备户口簿原件,户口应在西安和有效期内。3. 未婚证明双方均需提供原未婚证明,可收取学校、工作单位证明(具体需要参照当地婚姻登记办公室)。如果外国人需要提供单身证明翻译和萨拉认证手稿。4. 在婚姻登记处领取结婚登记表,一定要如实填写申请人信息,按要求清楚地填写申请表。5. 除上述证明文件外,其他证明文件中的一方为外国人的,应当提供未婚证明、签证、护照等证明文件;其中一方因异常原因不能到达办理地点的,由父母或者其他亲属领取。建议预约时间,准备好所有文件,确保一次性成功。最后,提醒大家,办理结婚证是一件非常重要的事情,要认真对待。祝所有打算结婚的情侣永远幸福!

  Mainland residents applying for marriage registration shall present the following certificates and supporting materials:

  (1) My household registration booklet and ID card;

  (2) A signed statement that he has no spouse and no direct blood relatives or collateral blood relatives within three generations with the other party.

  (3) The marriage status certificate issued by the village committee or the neighborhood committee, proving that the two are not related by blood. If one party has a history of marriage, you need to get a divorce certificate or a court judgment.

  (4) Bring three two-inch half-length color photos.

  Article 5 of the "Regulations on Marriage Registration" stipulates that mainland residents applying for marriage registration shall produce the following certificates and supporting materials:

  (1) My household registration booklet and ID card;

  (2) A signed statement that he has no spouse and no direct blood relatives or collateral blood relatives within three generations with the other party.

上一篇:户口本身的身份证结婚证都丢了怎么办? 下一篇:夫妻共同债务新规实施后,正在执行的夫妻债务案件能否执行新规定?

